The Controller No. 364C was produced as early as 1948, but it was only shown as available for separate sale in the catalogs from 1959 until 1964.

There are many variations of this switch as is shown on the bottom plate. Some are labeled "PART NO. 364C," others just show the number "364C." Most of these bottom plates have only two terminals that define a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switch. However, as many as six contact points have been found on these switches, others have these contact points, but are lacking the wire hold-down screws. These variations are specific to the accessories that they accompanied.

Lionel used the switch housing for other purposes including one that was originally designed for use in reversing electrical polarity on HO reversing loops of track No. 390C. Others were adapted for specific accessories like the No. 148 Dwarf Signal.