King 0100, 0200, 0300
1626 Corner Store Box King Distributing Corner Store Box 0100 King Hobby Shop Box End 0200 King Sports Shop Box End 0300 King Newsstand Box End

The Corner Men’s Store

The Corner Store is the only Plasticville structure that was designed to go on the corner of a street. Because of this, it is in demand by collectors and operators alike. Introduced in 1960, this store came with WHITE walls and a GRAY roof and trim, or these colors were reversed. It is a former LITTLETOWN structure as defined by the way that the walls slide together. There was only one nicely illustrated two-piece box for this structure. Listed below are the various problems that are found with this kit along with information about the first of the KING DISTRIBUTING ventures.

Corner Store Sign

This sign is the part that is most often missing or broken. The tabs that brace the sign to the corner of the store are easily broken. These are indicated by the arrows. This part is not available.

Corner Store Front Door Corner Store Side Door


The front door to the left and the side door are sometimes missing from this kit. There are no reproduction parts available to replace these doors and availability is limited to those that are in existing kits.

Corner Store Window Inserts and Sign

Window Inserts & Sign

These inserts to go inside the windows of the store and they are often missing. Reproduction inserts are available. The "Men’s Store" sign insert on the right has also been reproduced.


King Distributing Corner Store
In 1984 this would be the first Plasticville structure that KING DISTRIBUTING would produce under license from Bachmann. Their versions of this store had limited production runs:
No. 0100 Hobby Shop - 2,200
No. 0200 Sport Shop - 1,000
No. 0300 Newsstand - 1,800
Because of these limited quantities, and the variety that the King kits offered for this structure, these stores are in great demand today.

King 0200 Sports Shop Corner Store

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