1622, 1932
45602 (current)
1622 Dairy Barn Box 1932 Dairy Barn Box 45602 Dairy Barn Silver Series Box 45602 Dairy Barn Current Issue Box

First introduced in 1957, the Dairy Barn is a former Littletown structure. There are three color variations. The more common is RED with a GRAY roof and silo cap. The less common, that is illustrated to the left, is the TUSCAN version which also has a GRAY colored roof and silo cap. The third color variation occurred when Bachmann released the No. 1932 in 1980, it came with RED walls and a WHITE roof and silo cap.
There are four small pins that align the silo halves and usually one or more of these are broken. Because of the silo cap, and the way the silo mounts to the wall, lack of these pins will not prevent the silo from staying together. We’ve shown the other parts that are commonly missing below.

Dairy Barn Door

Dairy Barn Door
There are four doors that go with this barn. They should be the same color as the walls of the barn. Because these doors are "moveable" and "removable" they are often missing. There are no reproductions available for this part.

Dairy Barn Roof Vent

Dairy Barn Roof Vent
The roof vent should be the same color as the walls of the barn. Two of these lock the roof pieces together. Both of these are necessary to make the barn roof stable. Often one or both of these parts are missing and there are no replacements available.

Special Issues
The Dairy Barn has in the past been the subject of special issues by national collecting club organizations. Two of these are shown below.

No. 45922 LCCA Rock City Barn
spacerNo. 45922 was issued for the LCCA’s 1996 Convention. If you know how many of these barns were produced we would like to hear from you. Please use the contract link at the bottom of this page.

No. 45602 PCA 10th Anniversary
spacerNo. 45602 was issued for the PCA’s 10th Anniversary.
Only 240 of these barns were produced.

45602 Dairy Barn Silver Series Box 45602 Dairy Barn Current Issue Box

Current Issue Dairy Barn
As you can see by the picture to the right, the current issue of the Dairy Barn has the walls colored BROWN with a SILVER colored roof and silo cap. These colors have not been used before on this barn. Click on this picture to the right to see a Larger View. Purchase the current issue Dairy Barn.

45602 Dairy Barn Current Issue


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