Lionel Electric Trains Identification Guide Sub-Title
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This Identification Guide for Lionel Electric Trains covers the "Post-war Era" only from 1945 until 1969.

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Lionel Trains Locomotive No. 245 LIONEL TRAINS LOCOMOTIVE No. 1110

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Lionel Trains Locomotive No. 1110 Variation B

Lionel Trains Locomotive No. 236The Lionel Columbia Type 2-4-2-Locomotive No. 1110 was issued as a modified Scout locomotive in 1949, and again in 1951 and 1952. Produced on a painted BLACK die-cast body with SILVER rubber-stamped number on the cab, but without the ornamental trim that was on the No. 1101. Equipped with a plastic motor, it came with a two position directional control, and was lighted without a headlight lens, and came with a sheet metal No. 1001T Scout Tender with early Scout trucks. There are five variations:

Variation A: Has Baldwin Disc drive wheels and an aluminum directional control lever. Early 1949 production.
Variation B: Has spoked driving wheels. Late 1949 productions.
Variation C: This variation used remaining No. 6110 body castings that can be identified by the circular opening on the front of the boiler just above the headlight. Early 1951 production.
Variation D: Shows a faint outline where the opening on the front of the boiler above the headlight has been plugged. Late 1951-52 production.
Variation E: Metal motor assembly has been adapted to fit inside the body. This modification may have originated in some units at the Lionel factory, but most were likely done at Lionel service stations.
This locomotive was designed to work on O27 Gauge track and it will also run on O Gauge track.

Locomotive No. 1110 Middle Classic Box End

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