Lionel Electric Trains Identification Guide Sub-Title
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This Identification Guide for Lionel Electric Trains covers the "Post-war Era" only from 1945 until 1969.

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The Lionel Large Gondoala Cars LIONEL TRAINS NEW YORK CENTRAL GONDOLA CAR No. 6462-125

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Lionel Trains NYC Gondola No. 6462 Variation R

The Lionel Large Gondoala CarsThe New York Central Gondola Car No. 6462-125 was produced on a RED Type 2a body from 1955 until 1957 with WHITE heat-stamped lettering, and came in a late classic box with the suffix "-125" on the ends. Only the number 6462 appears on the sides of the car. Note that the "N" is in the third panel, that "NYC" is over-scored, "6462" is underscored and "NEW 2-49" on the sides. There are no steps or brake wheels. This car is listed as Variation R and S in the Production Table.
Came with bar-end trucks that have magnetic couplers with tabs. There are two variations:
Variation R: Trucks are attached to the metal chassis with horseshoe clips. 1955-56 Production.
Variation S: Trucks are attached to the metal chassis with clips. 1957 Production.

No. 6462-125 Late Classic Box End
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