Lionel Electric Trains Identification Guide Sub-Title Bottom of Page

This Identification Guide for Lionel Electric Trains covers the "Post-war Era" only from 1945 until 1969.

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Lionel Trains U.S.M.C. Trucks Flat Car No. 6809 LIONEL TRAINS U.S.M.C. TRUCKS FLAT CAR No. 6809

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No. 6809 Top View
No. 6809 Late Classic Box End

Lionel Trains U.S.M.C. Trucks Flat Car No. 6809The U.S.M.C. Trucks Flat Car No. 6809 came with two Marine Corps trucks. One was a AA Cannon Truck and the other a First Aid Van. These trucks were made by Pyro Plastics for Lionel and are labeled "PYRO / MADE IN / U.S.A." on the underside.
Reproduction trucks and parts for these trucks are available so collectors should look for the Pyro inscription. Note: Reproduction parts are indicated by the presence of the letter "M", whereas original parts are numbered.

U.S.M.C. Trucks Car No. 6809

Produced in 1958 and 1959, this flat car was part of the Marine Corps set. The unpainted RED flat car chassis came with WHITE heat-stamped lettering with the number to the left of the "LIONEL" inscription on the side of the car. It came with early AAR trucks with closed journals and was equipped with disc couplers. There are two variations:
Variation A: Created on a No. 6511-2 chassis mold.
Variation B: Uses a No, 6424-11 chassis mold.

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